The Unselling of Alcatraz

"I was there..."

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Alcatraz, 2011, a national park site for the past 40 years.

Photo: Chris Carlsson

In 1969 Texas oil industrialist Lamar Hunt proposed to buy Alcatraz island and put on it a memorial museum to the Apollo space program as well as a Victorian San Francisco theme park. The City's government approved the sale and it would've gone through had Mander and Duskin not intervened, as described in the video below.

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Jerry Mander and Alvin Duskin were two of the key characters who mounted the effort that rescinded Texas oilman Lamar Hunt's purchase of Alcatraz.

Interview by Chris Carlsson, video by Nick Kasimatis, excerpted from a longer interview for the Ecology Emerges series.

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The September 30, 1969 San Francisco Examiner.

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The October 2, 1969 San Francisco Chronicle.


A closer look at the proposed Space Tower for Lamar Hunt's Alcatraz plan.

There were other proposals for Alcatraz in earlier years too, long before it was invaded by Tribes of All Nations, or turned into a part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.